Academic Support
Academic advising
Every student at Olin has an advisor who is available to answer questions and offer guidance about a student’s progress to graduation, major requirements, course options, and other aspects of academic health and decision-making at Olin.
Advising relationships can have a significant impact on a student’s experience. Olin has a network of faculty, staff, students, and alumni who comprise a multi-faceted resource for guidance and support within and outside the classroom.
Students who wish to switch faculty advisors can request to do so by contacting the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Any changes to faculty advising assignments will be made at the end or beginning of each semester.
Contact Wendy Gordon, assistant dean of student affairs.
Academic Assistance
Students who need further clarification on course requirements and projects should feel empowered to seek assistance from their faculty instructors. Faculty instructors can arrange office hours as needed and can serve as an invaluable source of information as students work on any number of projects and assignments. Faculty can also help a student determine any need for additional resources.
Course Assistants (CAs)
Many faculty instructors employ CAs for class. These students have demonstrated strength in understanding course materials and are a vital resource for students with questions. CAs often hold office hours in the residence halls during times that are accessible to classmates. They can provide assistance in large and small group settings as well as on an individual basis.
ARCs (Academic Resource Co-Designers)
ARCs are available as academic resources to students who may need assistance with academic skills such as time management, prioritization, study skills, stress management, etc. ARCs are trained in facilitation and listening skills, academic skills coaching, and peer mentorship. ARCs will be available to meet 1:1 and also as part of a walk-in service called the ARCade, located in the Library. ARCs may also associate with particular classes as a resource for students, facilitate workshops on timely issues that affect students, and create resources for students to use.
Delay in reaching out tends to have a cumulative, detrimental effect on academic progress in a course. Since Olin classes are largely project-based, work volume increases quickly and unpredictably.
Peer Tutoring
Student Affairs and Resources organizes peer tutors who can provide their peers with assistance in particular courses. There is no charge to the tutees for these services. Peer tutors are a great way to get extra help beyond the regular help of professors and course assistants.
Please email for more information about the peer tutor program, to request a potential tutor match, or to apply to become a peer tutor.
Accommodations Policy for Students with Disabilities
It is Olin College's policy to comply fully with all state and federal disability laws. Olin does not discriminate against applicants or students with disabilities, and will consider modification to academic programs where necessary to ensure that our requirements are not discriminatory, as long as the modifications do not fundamentally alter the nature of our programs. The Office of Student Affairs and Resources coordinates services for students with learning disabilities, sensory impairments, psychological disabilities and medical conditions.
Students are responsible for identifying themselves to the Assistant Dean of Students Affairs and Resources and providing appropriate documentation of their disability and need for accommodation in a timely manner.
Students requesting accommodations should contact Disability Services at Olin as soon as possible after matriculation.
Services for students with learning disabilities may include, but are not limited to, academic accommodations such as extra time and distraction-reduced testing spaces, faculty notification and academic advising. Services for students with physical, sensory, or psychological impairments as well as medical conditions may include, but are not limited to, academic accommodations, assistance with adaptive technology, accessibility accommodations and academic advising. Any specific modifications granted will be based on detailed discussions with each student about their particular situation, and on information from a medical care provider concerning the student's disability and related needs.