Study Away

We are committed to providing our students with the opportunity to study abroad in countries around the world and domestically away from Olin.

One of the founding principles of the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering is that each student should have the opportunity to have a learning experience “away” from the College. This idea was articulated early in the creation of the College with the expressed objective of having students learn to be citizens of the world. The Olin "Study Away" program was created to deliver on this principle and provides students with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and views of the world.

Interested in Studying Away?

Set up an appointment with the Study Away office in Handshake.

Access Handshake here

Approved Programs + Direct Exchanges

When considering studying away, there are many different options allowing you to fit the experience into your plan of study at Olin. Whether you have always dreamed of studying engineering in Germany or art history in Rome we have a wide range of programs available to you!

Approved Programs

The institutions and provider programs below host a number of study abroad opportunities in which Olin students can participate. If you would like to discuss other options, please contact the Study Away team in StAR (CC326a)


Direct Exchanges

Olin has agreements with the institutions/programs listed below. The same study away policies and procedures apply when applying to a direct exchange institution. Please refer to the Student Handbook for questions about Olin's tuition policy and Study Away. 


How to Apply

The study away application is all about transparency, giving you confidence that you'll get credit for the classes you take while you are away, and making sure that you graduate on time. The application asks you about why you want to study away, what courses you want to take while you are away, and how those courses fit into your course plan. To apply:

Your application will be approved if you can demonstrate satisfactorily that:

  • the academic institution to which you are applying has courses that meet Olin's rigorous academic standards and are at a level equal to those of Olin's pre-approved study away programs;
  • you will be enrolled full-time (the equivalent to 12 credits at Olin)
  • be in good academic standing as defined in the Student Handbook
  • be proficient in the language being used for instruction
  • have junior class standing (contact your adviser if you are unsure of your class standing)
  • not be on disciplinary probation or suspended from Olin

Full-time Study Away (which requires pre-approval) counts as one of the eight scholarship semesters. The student is maintained as full-time at Olin and is expected to pay Olin tuition after the merit scholarship and any additional costs associated with any such activity at the host institution including any tuition exceeding Olin's, room, board and fees if applicable. See the Home School Tuition Policy Statement for more details.

Students receiving need-based aid and/or Federal loans are able to use this funding while studying away from Olin. A Consortium Agreement is required to determine eligibility. Please contact for questions regarding your financial aid.

Isha Goyal study away in Chile

I wanted to learn more about environmental studies and conservation, and this is one of the prettiest places on Earth.

Isha Goyal '25

Studied Abroad in Puerto Natales, Chile

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