Information for Faculty + Staff

Title IX Information for Faculty + Staff

How to provide support:

If a student discloses an incident of sexual misconduct to you, there are things you can do to help support the student.

Care for the Student.Ensure that they are safe. Believe their story. Provide non-judgmental support. Use their words, not yours. Be respectful of their decisions.

Connect.Connect the student with resources.

Contact. Contact the Title IX Coordinator, Justin Bell at You must report the incident to ensure the Title IX Coordinator can provide resources and support to the student.


To report a violation, file a complaint, or seek information about the process under the Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct and Title IX Policy, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or file a report here

Olin recognizes that an individual may feel most comfortable discussing incidents, situations, and/or allegations with Olin employees whom the individual knows well. It is important to note that all Olin College employees designated as college officials who have the authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of Olin, and/or employees designated as Mandatory Reporters are obligated by law to disclose reports and information that is shared with them to the Title IX Coordinator concerning: unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital or parental status, as well as incidents and allegations of sexual and interpersonal misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking), and/or related retaliation. In addition, Olin employees who are designated as campus security authorities (CSAs) for the purposes of the Clery Act must provide Public Safety with non-identifying statistical information regarding all reported incidents of Clery crimes (including, but not limited to, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and hate crimes). Any questions about the reporting or confidentiality status of an individual should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.  

Individuals who serve in professional roles in which communications are sought in a privileged manner and provided confidential status under the law (e.g., licensed mental health care providers, licensed medical providers, pastoral counselors, clergy and Confidential Resource Provider (CRP) are not obligated to report identifying information about behavior that may implicate the Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy without the consent of the individual who supplied the information in question, and may otherwise keep information confidential as permitted and/or required by law. However, these confidential resources are instructed to inform individuals of their rights to file a complaint under the Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy and may assist in that process. Confidential resources may, consistent with their legal obligation and ethical requirements, provide limited statistical information about incidents without revealing personally identifiable information regarding the identity of the individuals involved to the Title IX Coordinator. 

Sexual & Interpersonal Misconduct & Title IX Reporting Form

After the Title IX Coordinator receives a report of sexual misconduct, they will initiate contact with the individual to offer assistance and ensure that the person receives information on Olin’s resources, Olin's Sexual and interpersonal Miscondct & Title IX Policy, and is aware of their reporting options, rights, and protections under the law. In some instances, the alleged victim may express a desire that Olin not investigate the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will strongly consider the request, and will generally honor the request except in limited circumstances where the safety and well-being of the individual and/or the community outweighs the reasons for the request.