Industry Partnerships
Innovative, forward-thinking companies partner with Olin in a number of ways that help achieve their business goals, while also creating impact in the world and exceptional learning experiences for students.
From startups to Fortune 500 companies, many types of organizations work with Olin faculty, staff, and students by sponsoring meaningful laboratory classroom experiences, research projects, and year-long Capstone experiences that offer transformative, real-world context for students while generating new connections, innovative thinking, and valuable insights for partners.
Senior Capstone Program in Engineering (SCOPE)
SCOPE is a unique industry-university collaboration, and the culminating experience of an Olin student's education. Over the course of a full academic year, seniors work in multi-disciplinary teams to provide innovative solutions to a company’s real-world problems.
Industry Supported Curricular Experiences
Many partners engage with Olin through semester-long lab projects or other curricular experiences. By sponsoring projects with Olin students, companies gain a fresh take on challenges facing their business and are able to explore important new areas of development.
These sponsored projects engage students to apply engineering skills to real-world problems and learn what works and doesn’t work in industry settings. Both sponsors and students benefit by working together on something that matters to others.
Industry Affiliated Research
Olin is always looking to partner with entrepreneurs, companies, and organizations who recognize the benefit of collaborating with faculty and students to advance research & development and to spur innovation. Industry research collaborations at Olin can take a number of forms including sponsorship of specific research projects and forming multi-year relationships.
Visit our Employers Information page to learn more about:
Olin's Premier Recruitment Partner Program
Posting job & internship opportunities
Hosting information sessions
Joining our career fairs
Have ideas for other ways to collaborate?
We welcome you to reach out to our office to explore partnership opportunities.
General inquiries should contact us at