Student Affairs + Resources (StAR)
At Olin we want our students to experience learning not just in formal and technical ways, but also as explorers and creators who design their own path.
Learning happens everywhere at Olin and we aim to create a seamless learning environment for our students which we call the Learning Continuum.
The Office of Student Affairs + Resources (StAR) supports and celebrates students and their unique and intersecting identities through intentional and purposefully inclusive support, education, programming, resources, and opportunities. The team works with and for students on their continuous development of social awareness and cultural consciousness in service of preparing them to become exemplary engineering innovators.
Meet the Dean of Student Affairs - Alisha Sarang-Sieminski
As the Dean of Student Affairs, I work with staff and faculty to support student learning both inside and outside the classroom as well as provide a safe and fun experience on campus. Here at Olin we aim to create a seamless learning environment that helps you maximize your Olin experience.
As you already know, Olin is a tight-knit community which many consider to be our greatest strength. As members of the Olin family, we care a great deal about everyone here and we want to see you succeed both in the classroom and as you pursue your own interests and passions.
So whether you're wanting to figure out how to make a hackathon happen at Olin or need support as you work through a curveball that life has thrown your way, the Student Affairs team is here to support you during your time here at Olin.

Meet the Student Affairs + Resources Team!
Assistant Director of Post-Graduate Planning for Employer and Student Engagement
Community Engagement Librarian
Community Resources Librarian
Functional Areas of StAR
Responsibilities + Resources
- Work directly with individual students to support them in getting on track academically, which may included 1-on-1 meetings, referrals to ARCs, and helping to facilitate communication between a student and their instructors/CAs
- Provide assistance to any student who needs it. Though this may come in many forms, the most common services are the Academic Resource Co-designers (ARCs) and Tutors
- Spans many topics such as a student’s academic plan, balancing life and work, and a student’s thoughts about your place in the world!
- Assign academic advisors (though students also have many informal advisors throughout their journey).
- Train and support Academic Advisors
- Organize OFYI (Olin First Year Introduction)
Learn more about Academic Support + Advising
Shannon Tocher
Assistant Director for Accessibility & Advising
Barb Luciano
Academic Life Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities + Resources
- Works with students on their continuous development of social awareness and cultural consciousness
- Oversees the many functions and staff of StAR including residential life, advising, health and wellness, student equity and access, disability services, academic resources, the library, PGP, international programs, CARE team, sports, CORe advising, Honor Board advising, and more
- Oversees policy implementation and change
- Administration and oversight of Passionate Pursuits, Co-curriculars, and SAG grants
- Administration of student emergency fund
- Member of the Academic Life Leadership Team, College Council, and Sexual Misconduct Working Group
- Liaison to Public Safety, Dining, and Facilities/Operations
- Individual student support/coordination of support as needed and on occasion
- Available for supportive measures and no-contact orders
- Many other duties as needed
Alisha Sarang-Sieminski
Dean of Student Affairs
Responsibilities + Resources
- Assures that equal opportunities and access are provided to education, programs, and activities for all students with disabilities at Olin
- Engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on a case-by-case basis
- Educates members of the Olin community around access and disability rights, ascribing to a social model of disability
- Creates processes and materials to support creation of accessible course materials
Learn more about Disability Services @Olin
Shannon Tocher
Assistant Director for Accessibility & Advising
Barb Luciano
Responsibilities + Resources
- Promotes and provides education on inclusion, equity, and access on Olin’s campus
- Serves as a resource to students and student groups, as well as to faculty and staff
- Hosts guest speakers and cultural events on campus
- Educates members of the Olin community about cultural observances and heritage months
- Engages with campus-wide initiatives to enhance and support self-awareness around identity, greater inclusion and equity, and a culture of belonging
- Connects students to communities of faith
- Oversees the IDEA Student Conference Fund for student attendance at STEM identity conferences
- Facilitates the Identity & Engineering co-curricular
- Coordinates alumni-student engagement and community-building through the FRAME (Forming Relationships and Mentoring Engineers) program
IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access)
Breauna Campbell
Associate Director of Student Equity and Access
Responsibilities + Resources
- Supports students through exploration, application, and during Study Away
- Study Away partnership management
- Oversees International Student immigration and programming
- Exchange student applications, coordination, and support
- International Student orientation, exchange student orientation, and pre-departure and re-entry orientation for study away
- Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) for SEVIS
- Work authorizations for F-1 students
Exchange students
Immigration services
International scholars
Courtney Beach
Assistant Director for International and Post-Graduate Programs
Responsibilities + Resources
- Through our unique resources and programming, we offer a gateway to explorations of engineering and a wider world. We advocate for discovery, connection, and inclusion for all community members.
- The library is the cultural heart of campus, providing space, learning, and creative & leisure opportunities for development of social consciousness and self-awareness. We support student groups and programming for the whole Olin community.
- We enrich education and personal development through free access to information/equipment.
- We support academics and the curriculum, offering required and recommended readings for classes and developing Olin-wide critical thinking skills through information evaluation and media literacy.
Learn More about the Olin Library
Join the library on Discord:
Maggie Anderson
Director of the Library
Emily Andrews
Community Engagement Librarian
Delaney Knapp
Community Resources Librarian
Responsibilities + Resources
- Reviews resumes, cover letters, and portfolios
- Helps students find internships and research opportunities
- Helps with grad school applications
- Helps with outside scholarship and grant applications (Fulbright, Goldwater, etc.)
- Hosts career exploration workshops
- Assists with negotiating offers
- Connects students with alumni and recruiters in industry
- Organizes career fairs
- Helps students create a plan for what to do after Olin
- Assists with access to the Expressions Rack for professional attire
Learn more about PGP
Kristin Casasanto
Director of Post Graduate-Planning
Suzanne Alcott
Assistant Director of Post-Graduate Planning for Employer and Student Engagement
Courtney Beach
Assistant Director for International and Post-Graduate Programs
Responsibilities + Resources
- Coordinates Onboarding & Orientation for incoming first year students
- Housing responsibilities include room assignments, coordination with facilities, room changes, managing conflict, move in/out, stewardship of spaces, and more
- Supports and runs programming to enhance student experience and development
About Residence Life
First-Year Housing & Packing List
Our Residence Halls
Returning Student Room Selection
Patrick H Clarkson
Director of Residential Life
Cynthia Orofo
Hall Director for West Hall
Corinna Kraemer
Hall Director for East Hall
Responsibilities + Resources
- Administration of Passionate Pursuits, Co-Curriculars, and SAG awards
- Budget/p-card support for Student Gov’t/CORe, Clubs/Orgs, and competition teams and clubs, CoCurriculars, ARC matching, tutoring program support and matching
Barb Luciano
Academic Life Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities + Resources
- Plan, develops, promotes, and runs wellness-related programming
- Topics may include, but are not limited to healthy relationships/sexuality, managing stress, “Adulting 101” programming for graduating students, alcohol safety, etc.
- Often in collaboration with other groups such as Residence Life, Library, Director of Non-Discrimination Initiatives - Title IX and 504/ADA Coordinator, PAs, etc.)
- Mentor/liaison for Peer Advocates for Sexual Respect (PAs)
- Communication about current health-related topics
- Communication and coordination of all health-related services and information
- Liaison for student health insurance
- Liaison with Health Services
- Liaison with Counseling Services
- Liaison for FrankCares
Babson-Olin Health Center
Counseling & mental health
Health insurance
Sexual Misconduct and Title IX
Frances Mantak
Director of Wellness