Linda Canavan

she / her /hers

Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Registrar

A headshot of Linda Canavan


  • M.Ed., Higher Education Administration, Suffolk University
  • B.A., Political Science with a minor in Secondary Education, Stonehill College

Linda joined Olin College in February 2002 to launch the course and student records component of Olin's engineering education.  In addition to her work as a Registrar, Linda also brought her cross-functional knowledge of student accounts and financial aid to Olin and started the former StAR Center (Student Accounts and Records) at Olin.  

Her current areas of responsibility include strategic planning, organization and management of the student Learning Continuum, the College academic calendar, and curricular scheduling. A key focus of this position is cross-cutting collaboration with all relevant College departments to foster integration of students’ academic work into the overall college experience.  Linda most enjoys her active involvement with Olin's curriculum in its current state and Olin's curriculum of the future.  

Her professional philosophy is to engage with students in all dimensions that support their educational mission.  The best day on a college campus is the day where mortar boards fly and we celebrate a student's attainment of their degree, the stepping stone to a great future as an Olin graduate!  

Outside of her commitment to work in higher education, Linda enjoys New England team sports, gardening and time with her family.