Sarah Bloomer
Academic Director of SCOPE, Visiting Professor of Design

- M.A., Interaction Design, New York University
- A.B., Music, Smith College
select courses taught
- Products and Markets
- User Oriented Collaborative Design
https://sarahbloomer.comSarah joined Olin as an Adjunct Professor in 2012 to teach Collaborative Design and Products & Markets. She shares her hands-on, real world experience with the methods taught.
After several years designing banking of the future at Citibank, Sarah moved to Australia and co-founded The Hiser Group, an interaction design agency, in 1991. Through Hiser, she helped establish the field of user centered design in Australia.
Since returning to the USA in 2002, Sarah has worked in companies including The MathWorks as a senior interaction designer, Constant Contact as Director of User Experience and Forrester as Director of Customer Experience. But mostly she consults through Sarah Bloomer & Co, collaborating with her clients to deliver design research, product strategy, design facilitation, and UX team development and coaching, that is, transforming UX practitioners into more effective, customer focused designers. User centered design morphed into user experience design and to more general experience design with a focus on product strategy.
Sarah started a series of peer training events called the UX Managers Get Togethers - bringing together UX leaders to explore the unique needs of UX teams.
Sarah has delivered papers, tutorials and workshops at user experience conferences in Australia, Asia and the USA. She’s taught user centered design, screen design, design research and UX team development to hundreds of practitioners worldwide. She served as a master’s supervisor to multimedia students at The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and teaches user experience at Lesley University’s College of Art & Design.