Empowering Better Drivers

The Santos Family Foundation wants to see a change in the area of automotive safety. The 2014-2015 SCOPE team reached out to experts in the field of automotive safety, collecting and synthesizing data in search of the most effective way to instigate this change. From this research, it became clear that the best way to make roads safer is to improve infrastructure design by giving traffic engineers access to better data. The team developed a detailed outline and prototype for a product that attempts to aid town engineers and other stakeholders that affect infrastructure design and change.

The product consists of a low cost sensor package that collects and compiles detailed traffic data, then processes and relays this information through a user friendly website. The product works to readily inform town engineers about the need for infrastructure improvements and the effectiveness of design decisions. Minimizing the latency between data collection and data analysis will allow for a shift from reactionary to proactive and efficient design, improving road safety for all users.

Santos poster

Faculty Advisor

Andrew Coats

Team Members

Alvaro Antunez

Kai Autin

James Nee

Alex Spies