Santos Family Foundation 2016-2017
Faculty Advisor: Allen Downey
Sponsor: Santos Family Foundation
Improving Transportation Safety Through Data-driven Technologies
The Santos Family Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving transportation safety. In the third year of the SCOPE partnership, the team sought to create open-source tools that process videos showing road intersections and generate traffic safety reports. These reports detail interactions between vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, which traffic engineers and advocacy groups can use to have direct impact on infrastructure changes in their communities. The group also developed novel solutions for capturing footage, as well as moving data-processing into the cloud for higher efficiency, scalability, and usability. These open-source tools were presented to interested groups and used in real-world scenarios. These developments further the mission of the Santos Family Foundation, beginning the process of making intersections safer for all road users.
Santos Family Foundation Poster
Faculty Advisor
Allen Downey
Team Members
Deniz Celik
Ryan Louie
Jacob Riedel
Philip Seger
Sawyer Vaughan