GE Healthcare 2017-2018
Faculty Advisor: Sam Michalka
Sponsor: GE Healthcare
Increasing Mobile X-Ray Efficacy through Technology-Assisted Alignment
Mobile X-Rays are employed for patients who cannot be transferred to fixed radiography facilities. In a hospital setting, this includes both patients who can’t be moved (e.g., ICU patients) as well as time-critical ER cases. However, mobile systems also require retakes in roughly 25% of imagings--mainly due to misaligned or improperly positioned collimators and detectors. In practice, these errors expose patients to unneeded radiation and cost technologists time; in urgent care environments, this can further delay treatments and negatively affect patient outcomes. Our team explored mechanisms to reduce retake rates - both to improve standards of patient care, and to give GE an advantage over its competitors in the mobile x-ray industry.
Faculty Advisor
Samantha Michalka
Team Members
Jee Hyun Kim
Jong Nam
Jeffrey Pflueger
Matthew Ruehle
Thuc Tran