Ruina: Advancing Crash Data Reporting for Improved Road Safety

With our partners, the Santos Family Foundation and the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, we finalized the initial development of Ruina, a crash data reporting app that was created in 2019-20 and further developed in 2020-21. Ruina is a mobile app that helps law enforcement, public safety, or every day road users to record information at the scene of a crash without the hassle of paper forms or bulky computers and allows for more and better crash data to be collected. This year’s team focused on preparing the app for handoff to the Volpe Center for long-term development and maintenance. This year we obtained user feedback and added new highly-requested features from our stakeholders so that the app is ready to be deployed in real-world pilot testing environments. 

Faculty Advisor

  • Jason Woodard


Team Members

  • Kristin Aoki
  • Shreya Chowdhary
  • Jack Mao
  • Casey May


AY22SantosVolpeSummitPoster.pdf (2.51 MB)