The CARE Team
The Olin College CARE Team
The Olin College CARE (Concern, Assessment, Response, Evaluation) Team provides coordinated support for students in distress and addresses concerns about student behavior, academic progress, and personal issues, including mental health concerns. The CARE Team gathers information from personal contact with students, faculty, staff and family members, as well as from referrals submitted by members of the community. The CARE Team meets regularly to discuss pertinent student issues.
CARE Team members
Members of the CARE Team include:
- Dean of Student Affairs
- Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
- Assistant Director for Accessibility & Advising
- Director of Wellness
- Director of Residence Life
The CARE Team is committed to the following:
Identifying students of concern who need extra support
Assessing the most appropriate way to intervene and support a student
Addressing student behaviors that impact our community
Intervening so a student may achieve academic and personal success
- Balancing the needs of an individual student with the needs of the community
When to be concerned
Community members are encouraged to notify the CARE Team about students who may be unsafe (relating to themselves or others), who may be in distress, or whose behavior is of growing concern to others in the community. You may contact any member of the CARE Team individually or use the online referral form to share information with the CARE Team.
Please note: If you believe your concern is an emergency and/or requires an immediate response, call Campus Police immediately at 781-239-5555.
Reasons to refer a student to the CARE Team include:
- The student reaches out for help with a personal or academic issue that you cannot/should not address on your own.
- The student is experiencing an ongoing health or personal issue, especially one that is impacting their academics/life on campus.
The student remains distressed following attempts by you and others to be helpful.
The student becomes increasingly isolated, unkempt, irritable or disconnected.
The student's academic performance deteriorates.
The student's behavior reflects increased hopelessness or helplessness.
The student shows significant and marked changes in behavior or mood.
- The student expresses thoughts of suicide or other acts of self-harm. The student makes threats or displays aggression directed toward themselves or others.
- The student demonstrates an inability to care for oneself.
How to refer a student to the CARE Team
To refer a student to the CARE Team, please fill out the Care Team Referral Form.
You may also contact any member of the CARE Team individually. We encourage you to let the student know you are making the referral if possible. The CARE Team may periodically invite other staff or faculty to attend meetings as needed if their involvement is necessary to assist with a student issue.