Dassault Foundation MBARI


Designing Deep-Sea Play Experiences

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, or MBARI, is a world center for advanced research and education in ocean science and technology. They are a leader in the development of instruments, systems, and methods for scientific research in the deep waters of the ocean. The peer relationship between engineers and scientists is one of MBARI’s core values. The team at MBARI is excited about sharing their discoveries and knowledge with young children through play to encourage familiarity with the deep sea. With the support of La Fondation Dassault Systèmes, the MBARI SCOPE team developed an engagement platform and a set of user-tested (and kid approved) deep sea-based play experiences for children ages three to six. Leveraging user-centered design, CAD software (3DS Solidworks), and market research, the team explored multimodal forms of engagement to create and deliver play experiences that introduce children to the incredible life of the deep sea.


Faculty Advisors

  • Scott Hersey
  • Jessica Townsend


Team Members

  • Melissa Anthony
  • Megan Ku
  • Lily Novak
  • Jane Sieving
  • Mia Skaggs 


AY22MBARIDassaultposter.pdf (1.26 MB)