Building Access

Facilities Services:

Building Access

Residence Halls: The exterior doors of the residence halls are locked 24 hours a day. Only residents and authorized personnel are allowed access to the buildings. Members of the Public Safety Department check exterior doors on a random basis. Academic and Administrative Buildings: Classroom and administrative buildings are secured at the conclusion of normally scheduled business hours. These hours may vary given the events scheduled for each building or campus site. Members of the Public Safety Department perform interior and exterior patrols of the buildings on a random basis.

The College community can contact Public Safety at (781) 239-5555 should they encounter a building access issue.

Athletic Fields: Use of the Olin College fields must be authorized by Facilities Services. Public Safety enforces the unauthorized use of these fields.

Keys And Access Cards

Key and lock requests require an email from your department head and the dean or director of your appropriate department to Facilities Services.

Please allow at least seven business days for processing your request. Your request will be answered as soon as possible. 

Students Residence Hall Lock-outs: If you are locked out of your room, please contact the on-duty resident resource (R2) or Public Safety for assistance. 

Key or Access Card Issues From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, please report your access card issues to

Key issues should be reported to Facilities Services. Facilities Services will coordinate lock changes and/or the issuance of new keys and card authorization. The appropriate replacement fees will be billed to your student account.

From 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays, please report lost keys or ID cards to Public Safety.

Temporary access cards can be issued by Public Safety, and emergency lock changes can be approved by the on-call facilities manager. Facilities Services should be notified in the morning of the next business day following any non-business hours key or access card issues. Facilities Services will then coordinate lock changes and/or the issuance of new keys and card authorization. The appropriate replacement fees will be billed to your student account. 

Replacement Access Cards: To get a replacement Student ID access card, please visit the IT help desk in Campus Center, CC300. 

Employees and Vendors Academic or Administrative Building Lockouts: If you are locked out of your office or another area which you have access to, please contact Public Safety for assistance. 

Key or Access Card Issues From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, please report your access card issues to Key issues should be reported to Facilities Services. Facilities Services will coordinate lock changes and/or the issuance of new keys and card authorization. The appropriate replacement fees will be billed to your department account.

From 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays, please report lost keys or ID cards to Public Safety. Temporary access cards can be issued by Public Safety, and emergency lock changes can be approved by the on-call facilities manager. Facilities Services should be notified in the morning of the next business day following any non-business hours key or access card issues. Facilities Services will then coordinate lock changes and/or the issuance of new keys and card authorization. The appropriate replacement fees will be billed to your department account. 

New Key or Access Card: Community members who are in need of new keys or access cards should exercise the appropriate following procedure: 

Access to Newly Assigned Office or Research Space: Keys or access cards to additional buildings or areas on campus will not be issued unless they are approved by the appropriate supervisor and a confirmation email is received from Facilities Services. 

Student Workers, Part Time Employees, Consultants, or Vendors: Olin community members requesting access for student workers, part time employees, or contractors must be sent to Facilities Services. Requests must specify the building and room numbers as well as the worker's hours of employment.

Note: The supervisor must send access requests, not the worker.

Animals on Campus

  • Dogs or domestic animals are prohibited from all buildings, unless authorized as an “aid animal” for a designated medical condition or approved by the College.
  • Animals are prohibited from all athletic fields.
  • All dogs or domestic animals utilizing the grounds of Olin College must be under the keeper’s control at all times (leash).
  • The owner/keeper’s leash cannot be longer than 10 feet.
  • No more than two (2) animals can be under the control of the owner/keeper at one time.
  • Animals should not be allowed to approach any person unless invited.
  • Removal of animal waste is mandatory. Owner/Keeper must carry a waste removal bag at all times.

Any questions regarding these restrictions can be forwarded to the Facilities Services Office at (781) 292-4444. 

Campus Map.