Wednesday, May 10
5:00PM EST
Olin College of Engineering and live stream
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
1:00pm - 4:30pm
The Senior Capstone Program in Engineering (SCOPE)
invites you to join us as 13 SCOPE teams present the results of their year-long projects with sponsors from industry, academia, a government agency, and a private foundation.
1:00 - 3:00 pm:
- Thirteen 8-10 minute lightning talk presentations in the Norden Auditorium (live stream available).
3:15 - 4:30 pm:
- Interactive poster session and reception under the tent in the Oval for those who can join us in person.
Download the SCOPE Summit 2023 program
Summit Information
Learn about our sponsors, our student teams and preview their project posters in this year's SCOPE Summit Program.
What is SCOPE Summit?
SCOPE Summit is both presentation and celebration.
It's an opportunity for our students to share the process and results of the work they engage in with our SCOPE industry sponsors (listed below).
Whether you choose to join us in person or via live stream, you will appreciate the fact that these projects are especially relevant for preparing engineering graduates because sponsors scope out projects that really matter to them.